Harry Potter Series

 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Reflection

Author's Note: I just finish Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.  This piece will show my thoughts on the book and give a small summary.  In this piece I will try to enhance my vocabulary.

In this book Harry is introduced to the Order of the Phoenix, a group of wizards that defend Harry and try to stop, Voldemort, a dark wizard.  Fifth in the series, this book is an action packed adventure including mysterious creatures, new teachers, pranks, mischief.

Laws are being made restricting many activities that go on in Hogwarts, such as clubs, sports and time to get away from school.  The truth reveals about Harry's past and why "He Who Must Not Be Named" tried to kill him in the first place.  Pasts are told, betrayal occurs, and lives are lost.  This book is not a tragedy, but it mentions death a large amount of time. 

Life couldn't get any less unusual for Harry Potter.  How does he stand up against the troubles in his life?  I think the theme for this book is that no matter how difficult thinks get, you can let them tear you down.  J.K. Rowling's stories are very inspiring and he emotions and voice shines through. 

Truth or Lies

Author's Note: In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, most of his classmates and some teachers think he's lying about Voldemort coming back.  Nobody wants to listen to him, because they are afraid of the truth and fear "He Who Must Not Be Named".  In this prompt I will vary the lengths of my sentences.

Does it ever frustrate you when you try to tell the truth, but they will never believe you?  If only there were someway for them to understand.  You know your known for joking around, but when you try to tell the truth people think your like "the boy who cried wolf".  No one bothers listening to a word you say.

The same thing goes for you listening to other people.  Sometimes you won't listen to them, because you don't want to believe what they say.   It may be true, but you don't want to hear it.  Most people trust others based on their reputation and depending how much you know them.  One can only believe you as much as you believe them.

In Harry Potter their is a punishment for "lies".  Harry can't find a way for anyone to believe him unless they see with their own eyes.  Without proof, everyone thinks he's a lying lunatic.  With that being said they most assuring way for someone to believe you is for them to see it with their own eyes.

Loss of the Loved Ones

Author's Note: In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry experience another loss of someone he loves.  This prompt will be explaining the feeling.  In this prom I will try to vary the lengths of my sentences, including at least one sentence per paragraph including 20 words.  I will also try to enhance my vocabulary.  In addition, I will try to have a strong conclusion.

In the fifth book of the Harry Potter series, Harry experiences another loss of a loved one.  This happened, because Harry was tricked into thinking his friend was in danger.  As a reaction to this thought, he immediately tried to save this person only to find out that his friend was not in danger.  Harry's friend realized that it was Harry that was in danger.  Being Harry's friend, this person tried to help Harry, which he succeeded, but ended up dead.  Life would never be the same for Harry Potter.

Have you ever experienced the loss of someone dearest to your heart, and when it happened did you think nothing would ever help you move on?  Every time someone brought up this topic, would tears flood from your eyes?  I have never seen a loved one die before my eyes that I could remember, but I know how it feels.  Some think after hours of mourning that nothing in their life would ever help them forget.  Even people who think that their loved one is in danger feel that way.  If you really love that person, it shouldn't be easy to forget.

When you find out that the person you love is gone, you try to talk yourself out of it.  No, that's impossible; they're just sleeping.  No matter how much you try, they won't respond.  Never lose sight of hope, because one day the light will shine through and you will find a way.  As you try to hold back your tears, you wonder why terrible things happen to such wonderful people; life isn't always fair.  Although, the ones who mean the world to you will always be with you.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Book Review

Author's Note:  I have just finished Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. This review was made to give you a little summary, and to try to start the paragraphs with something that makes the reader want to read more.  The Harry Potter series is favorite of all time and I hope this will encourage you to read it.

In Harry Potter's fourth year at Hogwarts, he has experienced the most challenging year of all, because the Dark Lord has rised once again, and this time he was sure that he would kill Harry Potter.  To make matters worse, someone has put his name in the Goblet of Fire certain that he would be chosen to compete in the most dangerous competition of all, the Triwizard Tournament.  In previous years competitors have died trying to win. As if he didn't have enough to deal with, a nasty reporter that turns everything into lies interferes with friendships, and shares exclusive secrets.  Although, nobody knows how she is doing it.

If I had to rate this book, I would give it a 5 out of 5, because in my opinion this book is the best book in the series.  I love how in the end everything unfolds, and the answer to all the mysteries are shocking and unexpected.  This book really gets to you, and in some parts it reaches out to your heart and you can feel how each and every character feels. So if you like adventure, danger, a few tragedies, and a ton of mysteries, you will love Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

Characteristics That Make Harry Potter a Hero

Author's Note: I've been reading the Harry Potter series and I haven't been writing that often.  These writing prompts will help me with writing more often, and help me remember key points and what the story is about.  In this writing piece, I am going to try to enhance my vocabulary, go more in depth into his characteristics, and give examples.

 Harry Potter is known as the "chosen one", the one who saved them all, and in many ways a hero. Many characteristics, put together, create a hero.  These characteristics cannot be without one another, because in my opinion, will not make a hero.

Braveness is one quality of a hero which Harry Potter possesses.  He shows this quality, by battling the darkest creatures for the benefit of everyone and saving people in times of distress. Also, not backing down because of fear, pain, or danger.

Another one of his skills is being loving.  Without an the amount of love for others, he would be a villain.  Love is a key component every hero needs in order to do what they do.

Hope is the most important ingredient to anyone, because you cannot survive without it.  You can never lose sight of hope.  When things go wrong or not the way you expected you cannot give up on yourself, because there is always hope.

There are many great qualities to a hero and a normal people, but these are the key qualities.  People should not lose sight of what's important or what really counts.  That is another quality that can make anyone a hero.

Characteristics of Voldemort that Makes Him Evil
Author's Note: I have been reading Harry Potter books and doing writing prompts to go along with the book.  I haven't been writing to often, and I'm using these writing prompts to get back on track.  In this writing piece I am going to try and enhance my vocabulary.

If are or have read a Harry Potter book, Voldemort is easily recognizable as an evil being.  His many characteristic show this, and I am going to tell you some examples that make him a villain and not a hero.

First of all, Voldemort is greedy.  Greedy people will do terrible things to get what they want.  This ties into him being egocentric, because he will make other people die for him to get what he wants.  Voldemort only care about himself.

Second of all, he is against people who do not agree with him or are not of his kind.  When someone doesn't do the things Voldemort wants them to do, he will torture them or kill them.  Making people suffer is one of his vicious talent.  His solution is always violence.

Voldemort is a character that is pure evil, and he has done anything for the benefit of others.  Not once has he thought about the terrible decisions he has made or experienced how any felt.  He will never be a good person without a heart.

Comparing Rita Skeeter in the Book to the Movie
Author's Note: In most movies, the directors and people make the movie magic happen need to change some scenes and characters in the movie to get it to end the way they want it.  In my opinion Rita Skeeter's character changed the least from the book to the movie.  This writing prompt will compare her in the movie to the book.  I will also try to vary my sentence lengths and have one sentence per paragraph with at least 20 words.
In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Rita Skeeter shows herself as a nosy reporter that only gives the dirt. She makes Harry seem like a wimp that lives a depressing life full of tragedies.  Although, in the book she seems to spy on people more often, and spreads more nasty rumors about Harry and his friends. Rita keeps in touch with Slytherins that are more than willing to humiliate Gryffindors.  That sinister Skeeter!  I'm not going to spoil a surprise, but in the book she is more than a witch...
Appearance wise they describe her as a blonde, curly haired woman, with magenta clothes, a "heavy-jawed" face, jeweled glasses, crocodile skin handbag, mannish hands, three gold teeth, and long, crimson fingernails.  The movie showed her, for the most part, exactly like the description.  They even show her "Quick-Quotes Quill", that juices and twist the words around to sound more interesting.  The only thing that I saw that was different was that in the movie her clothes is olive instead of magenta.  In the book, you will have to pay attention to the clues about her appearance and what she writes if you want to find out how she finds out the secrets.
The Daily Prophet's Rita Skeeter is one of those annoyingly nosy witches, but don't mess with her or you won't want to read another Daily Prophet.  Watch out for bugs, hint hint.

1 comment:

  1. Tien, these responses are excellent. Your voice is so strong. I believe this type of writing is your strong point. You really shine with a more casual format. I appreciate the author's notes. They provide real direction for the reader to look for where your writing focused. Do be sure to fully develop the paragraphs. Sometimes the shorter paragraphs can leave an impression of not being thorough.
